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AI 시스템반도체설계
(AI System Semiconductor Design)
Lecture Notes
Lec1 부터, 각 강의 수강후 Summary Report를 제출해 주세요
(제출방법: eCampus의 각 주별 과제 제출 페이지에 upload)
1주: Lec0: Course Introduction [PDF]
2주: Lec1: Trend of AI SoC [PDF]
3주: Lec2: Basics of Neural Networks [PDF]
4주: Lec3: Memory Structures [PDF]
5주: Lec4: Introduction to Python - Part 1 [PDF][PPT Recording]
Introduction to Python - Part 2 [PDF][PPT Recording]
6주: Lec5: Introduction to OpenCV Python [PDF][PPT Recording]
Lec6: Verilog Review [PDF]
7주: Lec7: FSM Review [PDF]
Lec8: Verilog: Advanced Design [PDF]
8주: 중간시험
중간시험 점수 고지 [PDF]
9주: Lec9: DNN Hardware Architecture [PDF]
10주: Lec10: DNN Accelerator Architecture [PDF]
11주: Lec11: Micro-Controller for AI SoC [PDF]
12주: Lec12: Bus Architectures for AI SoC [PDF]
13주: 기말시험
14주:Term Project Presentation (설계과제 발표)
기말시험 및 설계과제 점수 고지 [PDF]
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