Latest Publication of MSIS Lab
Image Recognition / Deep Learning / Neural Net Processor SoC
Muhammad Junaid, HW Kim, at al., “Hybrid Precision Floating-Point (HPFP) Selection to Optimize Hardware-Constrained Accelerator for CNN Training,” Sensors, 2024.03 (SCIE)
Dong-Yeong Lee , HW Kim, at al., “High-Speed CNN Accelerator SoC Design Based on a Flexible Diagonal Cyclic Array,” Electronics, 2024.04 (SCIE)
Bogeun Jung, HW Kim, at al., “CNN Inference Accelerator Optimized for AI Applications for Object Detection,” IDEC Journal of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 2023.04
JungYeong Kim, HW Kim, at al., “A Low power 12-bit SAR ADC for Analog Convolutional Kernel of Mixed-Signal CNN Accelerator,” CMC-COMPUTERS MATERIALS &CONTINUA, 2023.03 (SCIE)
Malik Summair Asghar, HW Kim, at al., “A Compact and Low-Power SoC Design for Spiking Neural Network Based on Current Multiplier Charge Injector Synapse,” SENSORS, 2023.07 (SCIE)
Malik Summair Asghar, HW Kim, at al., “A Low Power Mixed Signal Convolutional Neural Network for Deep Learning SoC,” IDEC Journal of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 2023.07
HyeonWook Son, HW Kim, at al., “CNN Accelerator Using Proposed Diagonal Cyclic Array for Minimizing Memory Accesses,” CMC - COMPUTERS, MATERIALS & CONTINUA, 2023.08 (SCIE)
Malik Summair Asghar, HW Kim, at al., “Analog Convolutional Operator Circuit for Low-Power Mixed-Signal CNN Processing Chip,” SENSORS, 2023.12 (SCIE)
Odilbek Urmonov, HW Kim, at al., “Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Enhancement of Distributed Resource Allocation in Vehicular Network,” IEEE SYSTEMS JOURNAL, 2023.03 (SCIE)
Aroona Ayub, HW Kim, at al., “Training and Synthesis Based Vehicle Color Conversion Technique Using GAN”, Journal of Multimedia, Korea, 2023.05
Ali al-hamid, HW Kim, at al., “Unified Scaling-Based Pure-Integer Quantization for Low-Power Accelerator of Complex CNNs,” ELECTRONICS, 2023.06 (SCIE)
SangWook Hong, HW Kim, at al., “Integrated CNN for Specified Object Filtering and Abnormal Motion Detection for Smart Factory ,” Journal of Korea Communication Institue, 2023.11
Rizwan Ali Shah, HW Kim, at al., “Two-stage coarse-to-fine image anomaly segmentation and detection model,” Image and Vision Computing, 2023.12 (SCIE)
Phong Phu Ninh, HW Kim, at al., “CollabMOT Stereo Camera Collaborative Multi Object Tracking,” IEEE Access, 2024.01 (SCIE)
Odilbek Urmonov , Hayotjon Aliev, HyungWon Kim, “Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Enhancement of Distributed Resource Allocation in Vehicular Network,” IEEE Systems Journal, Aug. 2022, 1932-8184 (SCI-E), DOI: 10.1109/JSYST.2022.3197880
Shoaib Sajid, HyungWon Kim, “Enhanced Pseudo Labeling Based on Bidirectional Object Tracker for Training Object Detection CNNs ,” The 8th International Conference on Next Generation Computing 2022
Phong Phu Ninh, HyungWon Kim, “CMOT : Collaborate Multi Object Tracking Using Stereo Camera,” The 8th International Conference on Next Generation Computing 2022
TaeMi Park, HyungWon Kim, “Fast Pedestrian Action Classification Based on Multi-head CNN,” The 8th International Conference on Next Generation Computing 2022
Shah Rizwan Ali, HyungWon Kim, “Enhancement of Anomaly Detection Using Two-Stage Autoencoder with Noise Filtering,” The 8th International Conference on Next Generation Computing 2022
Aroona Ayub, HyungWon Kim, “GAN based Data Augmentation with vehicle color change for training vehicle detection CNN,” The 8th International Conference on Next Generation Computing 2022
Ji-Hyeon Ryu, Hyung-Won Kim, “E-Scooter Detection Dataset Construction and Its Evaluation Using CNN Models,” The 8th International Conference on Next Generation Computing 2022
Kim Tae Hyeon, Park Min Seo, Shin Hyeon Sik, Kim Hyung Won, “Light-Weight Multi-Task CNN for Concurrent Detection of Lanes and Vehicles On Embedded AI Devices” the 3rd Korea Artificial Intelligent Conference, September, 2022.
Sang-Wook Hong, HyungWon Kim, “Motion Anomaly Detection Based on Autoencoder With Normal Object Masking For Smart Factory” the 3rd Korea Artificial Intelligent Conference, September, 2022.
Malik Summair Asghar, Syed Asmat Ali, Saad Arslan, M. Junaid, T.Thising, HyungWon Kim, “Ultra-Low Power Analog CNN Accelerator SoC Based on nano-amp Current Multiplier and Max Pooling Circuit,” The 30th Korean conference on Semiconductors, February 2023
DongYeong Lee, Hayot Aliev, Ali Al-Hamid, Muhammad Junaid, Wajahot Abbassi, GiTae Park, SangBo Park, HyungWon Kim, “Scalable CNN accelerator SoC with Integrated RISC-V Processor Core,” The 30th Korean conference on Semiconductors, February 2023
Junaid Muhammad, TaeGeon Lee, Saad Arslan, HyungWon Kim, “Optimal Architecture of Floating-Point Arithmetic for Neural Network Training Processors,” SENSORS MDPI, ISSN: 1424-8220, (SCIE), 2022, February.
JungYeon Lee, Malik Summair, HyungWon Kim, “A Low-Power 12-bit SAR ADC for Analog Convolutional Kernel of Mixed-Signal CNN Accelerator,” CMC-COMPUTERS MATERIALS & CONTINUA, (SCIE), 2023. March, ISSN: 1546-2218
Hojin Kang, Syed Asmat Ali Shah, HyungWon Kim, “An Energy-Efficient 12b 2.56 MS/s SAR ADC UsingSuccessive Scaling of Reference Voltages,” CMC-COMPUTERS MATERIALS & CONTINUA, Vol 72, No 1, (SCIE), 2022. February, ISSN: 1546-2218
Yong-Seok Na, Hyun-Wook Son, Hyung-Won Kim, “Microcode based Controller for Compact CNN Accelerators Aimed at Mobile Devices,” Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering, Vol. 26, No 3, March 2022, ISSN: 2234-4772
Hyeon-Sik Shin, Hyung-Won Kim, Sang-Wook Hong, “Concurrent Detection for Vehicles and Lanes Using Light-Weight Model of Multi-Task CNN,” Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering, Vol. 26, No 3, March 2022, ISSN: 2234-4772
ASGHAR MALIK SUMMAIR, Saad Arslan, HyungWon Kim, “A Low-Power Spiking Neural Network Chip Based on a Compact LIF Neuron and Binary Exponential Charge Injector Synapse Circuits, SENSORS MDPI, ISSN: 1424-8220, (SCIE), 2021, Vol. 12, No. 13.
Hyun-Wook Son, Dong-Yeong Lee, HyungWon Kim, “Compact CNN Accelerator Chip Design with Optimized MAC And Pooling Layers,” Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering, Vol. 25, No 9, September 2021, ISSN: 2234-4772
Mohamed S. Abdallah, Da Sol Han, HyungWon Kim, “Multi-Vehicle Tracking Using Heterogeneous Neural Networks for Appearance And Motion Features,” International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research, Vol. 20, pp. 720~733, August 2022
Zaka Ur Rehman, HyungWon Kim, et al., "Patient Monitoring by Abnormal Human Activity Recognition Based on CNN Architecture, " MDPI Electronics, Vol. 9-12, Dec. 2020 (SCI-E)
Ali A. Al-Hamid, HyungWon Kim, "Optimization of Spiking Neural Networks Based on Binary Streamed Rate Coding," MDPI Electronics, Vol. 9-10, Oct. 2020 (SCI-E)
Malik Summair Asghar, Saad Arslan, HyungWon Kim, Low power Spiking Neural Network circuit with compact Synapse and Neuron cells", IEEE 17th International SoC Conference (ISOCC 2020), Oct. 2020, Seoul Korea (International Conference)
JiUn Hong, TaeGeon Lee, Saad Arslan, HyungWon Kim, "Compact CNN Training Accelerator with Variable Floating-Point Datapath," IEEE 17th International SoC Conference (ISOCC 2020), Oct. 2020, Seoul Korea (International Conference)
Mohammed E. Elbtity, HyunWook Son, DongYeong Lee, HyungWon Kim, "High Speed, Approximate Arithmetic Based Convolutional Neural Network Accelerator," IEEE 17th International SoC Conference (ISOCC 2020), Oct. 2020, Seoul Korea (International Conference)
Dasol Han, Mohamed S. Abdallah, HyungWon Kim, "Multi-Vehicle Tracking Using Heterogeneous Neural Networks for Appearance And Motion Features," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Under revision, 2020
Mohamed S. Abdallah, HyungWon Kim, Mohammad E. Ragab, Elsayed E. Hemayed, "Zero-Shot Deep Learning for Media Mining: Person Spotting and Face Clustering in Video Big Data," Electronics, Vol. 8, No. 12, Nov., 2019
D. Y. Lee, H. W. Son, HyungWon Kim, "High Speed Convolutional Neural Network Architecture With Convolution Accelerator Based On Massive Parallel Memory Access," Korean Conference on Semiconductors (Oral Presentation), 2020.
J. Y. Lee, D. H. Park, HyungWon Kim, "Self-timed Spiking Neural Network Chip Design with Efficient Spike Delay Control," Korean Conference on Semiconductors (Oral Presentation), 2020.
M. Y. Abbass, HyungWon Kim, et al., "Image deconvolution using homomorphic technique," Signal Image and Video Processing, Springer, June 2019
M. Y. Abbass and HyungWon Kim, "Blind image separation using pyramid technique, Springer," EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing, 2018, IF 1.72
M.Y. Abbass, HyungWon Kim, S. A. Shehata, S. S. Haggag, F. E. Abd El-Samie, "Image Deconvolution Estimation Using Homomorphic Technique," Springer, Signal, Image and Video Processing, IF 1.643. (Under Review)
M.Y. Abbass, HyungWon Kim, S. A. Shehata, S. S. Haggag, F. E. Abd El-Samie, "Advanced Deconvolution Estimation Using Deep Learning Technique and Super Resolution," Springer, Journal of the European Optical Society-Rapid Publications, IF 1.25. (Under Review)
M. Y. Abbass, HyungWon Kim, "Low Complexity Orientation Compensation Algorithm for Orientation Invariant Character Recognition," IEEE, International Conference on Electronics, Information, and Communication (ICEIC) 2017, Thailand.
Da-sol Han, HyungWon Kim, "A Number Recognition System with Memory Optimized Convolutional Neural Network for Smart Metering Devices," IEEE, International Conference on Electronics, Information, and Communication (ICEIC) 2018, Hawaii, US. (Best Presentation Award)
Da-sol Han, Jong-geon Lee, HyungWon Kim, "A Stereo Image Matching Based on Orientation Estimation Between SIFT Features," Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering (Under review)
Min-gu Kim, Min-ki Ha, Hyung-won Kim, "Fast Number Recognition Algorithm Based on Hierarchical Analysis of Edge Crossing Property," Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering (Under review)
Byeong-Sun Hong, Yong-Hyun Kwon, Hyung Won Kim, "Feature Matching Technique Based on Harris Corner Vector Clustering Algorithm," Journal of Research Institute for Computer & Information Communication, Jan. 2018.
Chan-Ho Song, Hee Seung Lee, Hyung Won Kim, "Efficient Object Detection and Matching Using Stereo Vision," Journal of Research Institute for Computer & Information Communication, Jan. 2018.
Min-Gu Kim, HyungWon Kim, "V2X Based Vehicle Path Prediction Using Recurrent Neural Network", Korea Institute of Communication System, Winter Workshop, Jan. 2018.
Dasol Han, HyungWon Kim, "Vehicle identification Using Deep Learning with V2X to construct LDM Fusion," Korea Institute of Communication System, Winter Workshop, Jan. 2018.
V2X Wireless Network / Network Security / IoT Sensor Network
Shimaa Abdel Nabi Kotb, HW Kim, at al., “Authentication and Encryption Protocol with Revocation and Reputation Management for Enhancing 5G-V2X Security,” Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences, 2023.07 (SCI)
Shimaa Abdel Nabi Kotb, HW Kim, at al., “Evaluation and Analysis of a Secure Voting-Based Aggregated Signatures Authentication and Revocation Protocol for 5G-V2X Communication,” ELSERVIER, ALEXANDRIA ENGINEERING JOURNAL, 2023.11 (SCI)
Shimaa A. Abdel Hakeem, Hanan H. Hussein, HyungWon Kim, “Vision and research directions of 6G technologies and applications,”Journal of King Saud University–Computer and Information Sciences, Vol 34 (2022), June, 2022, pp 2419~2442, ISSN: 1319-1578, (SCI), DOI: 10.1016/j.jksuci.2022.03.019
Shimaa A. Abdel Hakeem, Hanan H. Hussein, HyungWon Kim, “Security Requirements and Challenges of 6G Technologies and Applications,” Sensors MDPI, Vol. 22, March 2022, 1424-8220 (SCIE), DOI: 10.3390/s22051969
Shimaa A. Abdel Hakeem, Hanan H. Hussein, HyungWon Kim, "Centralized Threshold Key Generation Protocol Based on Shamir Secret Sharing and HMAC Authentication ,” MDPI Sensors, Jan. 2022 (SCI-E)
Shimaa A. Abdel Hakeem, HyungWon Kim, "A Key Management Protocol Based on the Hash ChainKey Generation for Securing LoRaWAN Networks,” MDPI Sensors, Cold. 21, No. 172, Jan. 2021 (SCI-E)
Shimaa A. Abdel Hakeem, HyungWon Kim, "Multi-Zone Authentication and Privacy-Preserving Protocol (MAPP) Based on the Bilinear Pairing Cryptography for 5G-V2X,' MDPI Sensors, 21-2, Jan. 2021 (SCI-E)
Hayotjon Aliev, HyungWon Kim, "Matrix-Based Dynamic Authentication With Conditional Privacy-Preservation for Vehicular Network Security,", IEEE Access, Vol. 8 Nov. 2020 (SCI-E)
Shimaa A. Abdel Hakeem, Anar A. Hady, HyungWon Kim, "Current and future developments to improve 5G-NewRadio performance in vehicle-to-everything communications," Springer Telecommunication Systems, Vol. 75-3, Nov. 2020 (SCIE)
Shimaa A. Abdel Hakeem, Anar A. Hady, HyungWon Kim, "5G-V2X: standardization, architecture, use cases, network-slicing, and edge-computing," Springer, Wireless Networks, Vol. 26-8, Nov. 2020 (SCI-E)
Hayotjon Aliev, Sunghyun Choi, HyungWon Kim, "A Scalable and Secure Group Key Management Method for Secure V2V Communication," MDPI Sensors, Vol. 20-21, Nov. 2020 (SCI-E)
Shimaa Abdelnabi Abdel Hakeem, Mohamed Abd El-Gawad, HyungWon Kim, "Comparative Experiments of V2X Security Protocol Based on Hash Chain Cryptography," MDPI Sensors, Vol. 20-19, Oct. 2020 (SCI-E)
Odilbek Urmonov, HyungWon Kim, "Multi-Hop Dynamic Map Data Propagation Algorithm for Clustered Vehicular Networks," MDPI Electronics, Vol. 9-10, Oct. 2020 (SCI-E)
Mohamed A. Abd El-Gawad, Mahmoud Elsharief, HyungWon Kim, "A Cooperative V2X MAC Protocol for Vehicular Networks, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking," EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Vol. 2019. No. 65, March, 2019.
"Mohamed A. Abd El-Gawad, Hesham ElSawy, Ahmed Hamdi Sakr, HyungWon Kim"
"Network-Wide Throughput Optimization for Highway Vehicle-To-Vehicle Communications," Electronics, Vol. 7, July, 2019 -
Mohamed A. Abd El-Gawad, Mahmoud Elsharief, HyungWon Kim, "A Comparative Experimental Analysis of Channel Access Protocols in Vehicular Networks," IEEE Access, Vol. 7, Oct., 2019.
Mahmoud Elsharief, Mohamed A. Abd El-Gawad, HyungWon Kim, "Low-Power Scheduling for Time Synchronization Protocols in A Wireless Sensor Networks,"
IEEE Sensors Letters, Vol.3, No. 4, April, 2019 -
Shimaa A. Abdel Hakeem, Mohamed A. Abd El-Gawad, HyungWon Kim, "A Decentralized Lightweight Authentication and Privacy Protocol for Vehicular Networks," IEEE Access, Vol. 7, September 2019.
Shimaa A. Abdel Hakeem, Anar A. Hady, HyungWon Kim, "RPL Routing Protocol Performance in Smart Grid Applications Based Wireless Sensors: Experimental and Simulated Analysis," Electronics, March, 2019
Saurabh Kumar, HyungWon Kim, "Packet Rate Adaptation Protocol Based on Bloom Filter for Hidden Node Avoidance in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks," IEEE Access, Vol. 7, September 2019.
Saurabh Kumar, Sunghyun Choi, HyungWon Kim, "Analysis of Hidden Terminal’s Effect on the Performance of Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks," EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Vol. 240, Oct., 2019.
Mahmoud Elsharief, Mohamed A. Abd El-Gawad, Hyungwon Kim, "FADS: Fast Scheduling and Accurate Drift Compensation for Time Synchronization of Wireless Sensor Networks," IEEE Access, Vol. 6, 2018 pp. 65507-65520
Odilbek Urmonov and HyungWon Kim, "An Energy-Efficient Fail Recovery Routing in TDMA MAC Protocol-Based Wireless Sensor Network," Electronics Journal, MDPI, 2018, Vol. 7, No. 444.
Mahmoud Elsharief, Mohamed, A. Abdel-Garwad, HyungWon Kim, "Density Table-Based Synchronization for Multi-Hop Wireless Sensor Networks," IEEE Access, VOLUME 6, 2018
Hochul Lim, HyungWon Kim, “Low Power Time Synchronization for Wireless Sensor Networks using Density-Driven Scheduling," Journal of Information and Communication Convergence Engineering, Vol 10(1), Jan. 2018. (Scopus)
Hayotjon Aliev, HyungWon Kim, "Group key generation and distribution algorithm design for V2X wireless communication," Korea Institute of Communication System, Winter Workshop, Jan. 2018.
Shimaa Abdelnabi Abdelhakeem, HyungWon Kim, "Efficient Vehicular Network Authentication Using Aggregate Message Authentication Code," Korea Institute of Communication System, Winter Workshop, Jan. 2018.
Phong Phu Ninh, HyungWon Kim, "A Real Time Co-Simulation between NS3 and Visualization," Korea Institute of Communication System, Winter Workshop, Jan. 2018.
HyungWon Kim, Amit Kachroo, “Low Power Routing and Channel Allocation of Wireless Video Sensor Networks Using Wireless Link Utilization,” Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks, Vol. 30, 2016, pp. 83–112. 2016.
Hochul Lim, HyungWon Kim, “Density-drivenScheduling of Low Power Synchronization for Wireless Sensor Networks,” IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Information, and Communication, Vietnam, Feb. 2016.
Saurabh Kumar, HyungWon Kim, “Energy Optimal Scheduling of Multi-Channel ofWireless Sensor Networks for Wireless Metering,” IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Information, and Communication, Vietnam, Feb. 2016.
HyungWon Kim, “Wireless Sensor Network for Video Sensors,” Theory and Applications of Smart Cameras (Book Chapter), pp. 339~367, Springer 2015.
Amit Kachroo, HyungWon Kim, “Channel Assignment With Transmission Power Optimization Method For High Throughput In Multi-Access Point WLAN,” IEEE International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), Croatia, 2015.
Saurabh Kumar, HyungWon Kim, “Hierchical MAC Protocol with Multi-Channel Allocation for Enhancing IEEE 802.11ah Relay Networks,” IEEE International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), Croatia, 2015.
HyungWon Kim, M.G.A. Mohamed, “Utilization-Aware Channel Allocation and Routing for Mesh Networks for Battery Power Surveillance Camera,” The 28th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, May 2014.
HyungWon Kim, “Method of low power routing for wireless sensor network using link utilization, and recording medium thereof”, Korea Patent pending, Patent App. No. 10-2014-0166213, 2014
HyungWon Kim, “Low Power Routing and Channel Allocation Method of Wireless Video Sensor Networks for Internet of Things (IoT),” IEEE World Forum of Internet of Things, 2014.
HyungWon Kim, “Link Utilization Based Routing Algorithm for Low Power Wireless Visual Sensor Networks,” Journal of Research Institute for Computer & Information Communication, Vol 21. No. 2, Dec. 2013.
HyungWon Kim, “Multi-Channel Routing for Wireless Mesh Networks of Event-Driven Visual Sensors,” Center of Excellence in Wireless and Information Technologies (CEWIT) Conference, Oct. 2013.
Mixed Signal Circuits / Signal Processing Circuits /
Low Power Sensing SoC
Sangbo Park, HW Kim, at al., “Design Optimization Technology for Decimation Filter for High Performance Sigma-delta ADC,” Journal of IEIE, Korea, 2023.05
Sang Bo Park, Min Gu Kim, Go Eun Woo, HyungWon Kim, “High Precision Current Sensor Chip for Battery Management System of Electric Vehicles,” The 30th Korean conference on Semiconductors, February 2023
Saad Arslan, Syed Asmat Ali Shah, HyungWon Kim, "An Ultra-Wide Load Range Voltage Converter Using Proactive Phase Frequency Modulation for IoT Sensors," MDPI Sensors, Vol. 20-21, Nov. 2020 (SCI-E)
- Hojin Kang, Syed Asmat Ali Shah, HyungWon Kim, “An Energy-Efficient 12b 2.56 MS/s SAR ADC UsingSuccessive Scaling of Reference Voltages,” CMC-COMPUTERS MATERIALS & CONTINUA, Vol 72, No 1, (SCIE), 2022. February, ISSN: 1546-2218
- SangBo Park, Go-Eun Woo, HyungWon Kim, “Design Optimization for Decimation Filter for High Performance Sigma-Delta ADC,” International System-On-Chip Conference (ISOCC), 2022,
Syed Asmat Ali Shah, Saad Arslan, HyungWon Kim, et al., "A Switched Capacitor Voltage Converter With Exponentially Sized Capacitor Banks for Wide Load Range," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II - Express Briefs, Vol. 67-10, Oct. 2020 (SCI-E)
Ahmed M. Mohey, Sameh A. Ibrahim, Ismail M. Hafez, HyungWon Kim, "Design Optimization for Low-Power Reconfigurable Switched-Capacitor DC-DC Voltage Converter," IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS I, Vol. 66, No. 10, Oct. 2019.
Saad Arslan, Syed Asmat Ali Shah, HyungWon Kim, "Power Efficient Current Driver Based on Negative Boosting for High-Speed Lasers," Electronics, Vol. 8, No. 11, Nov., 2019
Syed Asmat Ali Shah, Saad Arslan, Jae-Jin Lee, Bo-Seok Seo, HyungWon Kim, "A Switched Capacitor Voltage Converter with Exponentially Sized Capacitor Banks for Wide Load Range," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, Online Published Oct. 2019
Ahmed N. Ragheb, HyungWon Kim, "Reference-Free Dynamic Voltage Scaler Based on Swapping Switched-Capacitors," Energies, MDPI, Vol. 12, No. 4, March, 2019.
A.N. Ragheb, HyungWon Kim, "84% High efficiency dynamic voltage scaler with nano-second settling time based on charge-pump and BWC-DAC," Microelectronics Journal, Elsevier, 79 (2018).
Hossam Hassan, Hyung-Won Kim, "CMOS Capacitive Fingerprint Sensor Based on Differential Sensing Circuit with Noise Cancellation," Sensors MDPI, Vol 18, 2200, 2018.
Hossam Hassan, Hyung-Won Kim, "Power-Gating Sub-Threshold Source-Coupled Logic (PG-STSCL) Circuits for Ultra-Low-Power Applications," Microelectronics, Vol. Jan. 2018.
Dong-Min Won, HyungWon Kim, "Enhancement of touch screen sensing based on voltage shifting differential offset compensation," Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, Springer, Vol (2018) 94, pp. 205–215
Saad Arslan, Syed Asmat Ali Shah, Jae-Jin Lee, HyungWon Kim, "An Energy Efficient Charging Technique for Switched Capacitor Voltage Converters with Low Duty-Ratio ," IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS—II: EXPRESS BRIEFS, VOL. PP, NO. PP, 2017
M.G.A. Mohamed, Kyoungrok Cho, HyungWon Kim, “Frequency Selection Concurrent Sensing Technique for High-Performance Touch Screens,” IEEE Journal of Display Technology, Vol. 12, No. 11, Nov. 2016, pp. 1433-1444.
GyeongSeop Choi, M.G.A. Mohamed, HyungWon Kim, “Symmetric Signal Reconstruction and Frequency-Division Differential Driving for High Rate Touch Screen Sensing,” IEEE Journal of Display Technology, Vol. 12, No. 11, Nov. 2016, pp. 1423-1432.
Ahmed Ragheb, HyungWon Kim, “Ultra-low power OTA based on bias recycling and subthreshold operation with phase margin enhancement,” Microelectronics Journal, Elsevier, Vol. 60, Feb. 2017, pp. 94-101.
Ahmed Ragheb, HyungWon Kim, “Ultra low power wide-band mixer circuit based on subthreshold operation for MB-OFDM UWB,” Microelectronics Journal, Elsevier, Vol. 50, April. 2016, pp. 29-34.
Ahmed Ragheb, HyungWon Kim, “Differentiator Based Sensing Circuit For Efficient Noise Suppression of Projected Mutual-Capacitance Touch Screens,” IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Information, and Communication, Vietnam, Feb. 2016.
Gyeong-Seop Choi, HyungWon Kim, “New FFT Designwith Enhanced Scan Rate for Frequency Division Concurrent Sensing of Mutual-Capacitance Touch Screens,” IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Information, and Communication, Vietnam, Feb. 2016.
M.G.A. Mohamed, HyungWon Kim, "Concurrent Driving Method with Fast Scan Rate for Large Mutual Capacitance Touch Screens", Journal of Sensors, vol. 2015, no. 768293, July 2015.
Dongmin Won, HyungWon Kim, "Touch Screen Sensing Circuit with Rotating Auto-Zeroing Offset Cancellation", Journal of Information and Communication Convergence Engineering (JICCE), 2015.
Hojin Kang, HyungWon Kim, “Performance Analysis of the Modulator and Decimation Filter of A High-Speed” Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering (KIICE) Conference, Oct.2015. Best Paper Award Received.
Kyeong Han Park, HyungWon Kim, “Non-Linearity Error Detection and Calibration Method for BinaryWeighted Charge Redistribution Digital-to-Analog Converter,” Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering(KIICE) Conference, Sep. 2015.
Hossam Hassan, Ahmed Shalaby Ragheb, and HyungWon Kim, " DPSB: Dual Port Shared Buffer Mechanism for Efficient Buffer Utilization in Network on Chip Routers ," ISOCC 2015 International SoC Design Conference, South Korea, Nov. 2015.
Incheol Seo, HyungWon Kim, “Dual sensing with voltage shifting scheme for high sensitivity touch screen detection,” IEIE Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers, Vol. 52, No. 4, April 2015.pp. 71-79.
Un-yong Jang, HyungWon Kim, “Frequency Division Concurrent Sensing Method for High-Speed Detection of Large Touch Screens,” Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering, Vol. 19, Issue 4, 2015, pp.895-902
Incheol Seo, HyungWon Kim, “Dual sensing with voltage shifting scheme for high sensitivity touch screen detection,” IEIE Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers, Vol. 52, No. 4, April 2015.pp. 71-79.
M.G.A. Mohamed, HyungWon Kim, Tae-Won Cho, "A Fast Sensing Method using Concurrent Driving and Sequential Sensing for Large Capacitance Touch Screens", Journal of The Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers, vol. 52, no. 4, May 2015.
M.G.A. Mohamed, HyungWon Kim, Tae-Won Cho, "Modeling of Memristive and Memcapacitive Behaviors in Metal-Oxide Junctions,” The Scientific World Journal, vol. 2015, no. 910126, Jan. 2015.
Jiho Kim, M.G.A. Mohamed, HyungWon Kim, “Design of a Frequency Division Concurrent Sine Wave Generator for an Efficient Touch Screen Controller SoC,” 19th IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics ISCE, Madrid, Spain, July 2015.
M.G.A. Mohamed, Tae-Won Cho, HyungWon Kim, “Efficient Multi-Touch Detection Algorithm for Large Touch Screen Panels,” IEIE Transactions on Smart Processing and Computing, vol. 3, no.4, pp. 246-250, August 2014.
Incheol Seo, Unyong Jang, M.G.A. Mohamed, Tae-Won Cho, HyungWon Kim, Hyeoung Kyu Chang, Sonou Lee, "Voltage Shifting Double Integration Circuit for High Sensing Resolution of Large Capacitive Touch Screen Panels", The 18th IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics, Jeju, South Korea, June 2014.
M.G.A. Mohamed, Unyong Jang, Incheol Seo, HyungWon Kim, Tae-Won Cho, Hyeoung Kyu Chang, Sunou Lee, "Efficient algorithm for accurate touch detection of large touch screen panels", The 18th IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics, Jeju, South Korea, June 2014.
Ihsan F. I. Albittar, Jiho Kim, HyungWon Kim, "The Design of 13 bits ΣΔ ADC for a mutual-capacitance large touch screen controller", 2014 International SoC Design Conference, Jeju, Korea, November 2014.
Gyeongseop Choi, M.G.A. Mohamed, HyungWon Kim, “Distributed Architecture of Touch Screen Controller SoC for Large Touch Screen Panels” Conference of 2014 International SoC Design Conference, pp.108~109, NOV, 2014.
Incheol Seo, Tae-won Cho, Hyung-won Kim, Hyung-Gyu Jang, Sun-Woo Lee, "Frequency Domain Concurrent Sensing Technique for Large Touch Screen Panels", IEEK Fall CONFERENCE 2013, pp. 55-58, 23 Nov. 2013.
Un-Yong Jang, Hyung-Won Kim, Tae-Won Cho, Hyung-Gyu Jang, Sun-Woo Lee, "Architecture of Multi Purpose Touch Screen Controller with Self Calibration Scheme", IEEK Fall CONFERENCE 2013, pp. 162-166, 23 Nov. 2013.