Deep Learning Group Seminar
56th Seminar (2022/03/24)
Seminar1: Hoang Duy Loc — AEC3D: An Efficient and Compact Single Stage 3D Multi-Object Detector for Autonomous Driving (Prof. G.W. Kim)
Seminar2: TaeMi Park — Quo Vadis, Action Recognition? A New Model and the Kinetics Dataset (Prof. H.W. Kim)
34th Seminar (2021/09/09)
Seminar1: Rizwan Ali Shah — Skip-Convolutions for Efficient Video Processing (Prof. H.W. Kim)
Seminar2: Nguyễn Đức Toàn — Sensor-Level decentralized collision avoidance policy for autonomous mobile robots steering based on Deep Reinforcement Learning(Prof. G.W. Kim)
33rd Seminar (2021/08/26)
Seminar1: Hiển Phạm Xuân — Vision-based autonomous car racing using deep imitative reinforcement learning (Prof. G.W. Kim)
Seminar2: Eunho-Lee (이은호) — Multi-Stage Progressive Image Restoration - CVPR2021 (Prof. Y.B. Hwang)
Seminar3: SangWook Hong (홍상욱) End-to-End Semi-Supervised Object Detection with Soft Teacher (Prof. H.W. Kim)
32nd Seminar (2021/08/19)
Seminar1: Phong Phu Ningh — Real-Time Edge Video Analytics for Multicamera Privacy-Aware Pedestrian Tracking (Prof. H.W. Kim)
Seminar2: Dohyeong Kim (김도형) — Structure-SLAM: Low Drift Monocular SLAM in Indoor Environments (Prof. G.W. Kim)
31st Seminar (2021/08/12)
Seminar1: Dinh Van Nam — Deep Neural Network Based Inertial Odometry Using Low-Cost Inertial Measurement Units (Prof. G.W. Kim)
Seminar2: HyeonSik Shin (신현식) — Lane detection CNN (Prof. H.W. Kim)
30th Seminar (2021/08/05)
Seminar1: Odilbek Urmonov — Swin Transformer: Hierarchical Vision Transformer using Shifted Windows (Prof. H.W. Kim)
Seminar2: Seung-Chan Mok (목승찬) — Cylindrical and Asymmetrical 3D Convolutional Networks for LiDAR Segmentation (Prof. G.W. Kim)
29th Seminar (2021/07/29)
Seminar1: Shoaib Sajid — YOLOX: Exceeding YOLO Series in 2021 (Prof. H.W. Kim)
Seminar2: Hoàng Duy Lộc — "Lightweight Image Super Resolution (Prof. G.W. Kim)
28th Seminar (2021/07/22)
Seminar1: Zeeshan Javed — Multi-Camera LiDAR based Visual Odometry (Prof. G.W. Kim)
Seminar2: TaeHyeon Kim — Quantization For Deep Learning Inference (Prof. H.W. Kim)
27th Seminar (2021/07/15)
Seminar1: Saba Arshad — Semantic Loop Closure Detection (Prof. G.W. Kim)
Seminar2: Ali Al-Hamid — Retraining-Based Iterative Weight Quantization for Deep Neural Networks (Prof. H.W. Kim)
26th Seminar (2021/07/08)
Seminar1: Nguyễn Đức Toàn — Multi Robot Navigation based on Deep Reinforcement Learning (Prof. G.W. Kim)
Seminar2: Younho Choi (최연호) — StarGAN: Unified Generative Adversarial Networks for Multi-Domain Image-to-Image Translation (Prof. S.C. Kee)
Seminar3: Aroona Ayub — Progressive growing of GANs for Improved Quality, Stability and Variation (Prof. H.W. Kim)
25th Seminar (2021/07/01)
Seminar1: Rizwan Ali — Self-Supervised Semi-Supervised Learning (Prof. H.W. Kim)
Seminar2: Dohyeong Kim (김도형) — PlaneRCNN: 3D Plane Detection and Reconstruction from a Single Image (Prof. G.W. Kim)
24th Seminar (2021/06/24)
Seminar1: Muhammad Sualeh — Semantics Aware Dynamic SLAM based on 3D MODT (Prof. G.W. Kim)
Seminar2: TaeMi Park (박태미) — OpenPifPaf: Composite Fields for Semantic Keypoint Detection and Spatio-Temporal Association (Prof. H.W. Kim)
Seminar3: Jieun Jung(정지은) — Long Short-Term Memory (Prof. S.C. Kee)
23rd Seminar (2021/06/17)
Seminar1: Nam Đinh Văn — Learning based Differentiable Filters For Multiple sensor fusion (Prof. G.W. Kim)
Seminar2: SangWook Hong (홍상욱) — Simple Copy-Paste is a Strong Data Augmentation Method for Instance Segmentation (Prof. H.W. Kim)
22nd Seminar (2021/06/10)
Seminar1: Hatem Hosam — Deformable Convolutional Networks (Prof. H.S. Kang)
Seminar2: Sunwoo Lee (이선우) — Self-attention generative adversarial network (Prof. S.C. Kee)
Seminar3: Phong Phu Singh — HOTA: A Higher Order Metric for Evaluating Multi-Object Tracking(Prof. H.W. Kim)
Seminar4: Seung-Chan Mok (목승찬) — StarGAN v2: Diverse Image Synthesis for Multiple Domains (Prof. G.W. Kim)
21st Seminar (2021/06/03)
Seminar1: Usman Muhammad — CSPNet - A new backbone that can enhanced learning capabilities of CNN (Prof. H.W. Kim)
Seminar2: Loc Hoang Duy — Learning to Cartoonize Using White-box Cartoon Representations (Prof. G.W. Kim)
20th Seminar (2021/05/27)
Seminar1: Zeeshan Javed — Event based visual odometry and SLAM (Prof. G.W. Kim)
Seminar2: HyeonSik Shin — Keep your Eyes on the Lane: Real-time Attention-guided Lane Detection (Prof. H.W. Kim)
19th Seminar (2021/05/20)
Seminar1: Odilbek Urmonov — Group Knowledge Transfer: Federated Learning of Large CNNs at the Edge (Prof. H.W. Kim)
Seminar2: Dongkyu Lee (이동규) — FlowNet: Learning Optical Flow with Convolutional Networks (Prof. S.C. Kee)
Seminar3: Nguyễn Đức Toàn — Exploration and Exploration Balance for Mapless Navigation (Prof. G.W. Kim)
18th Seminar (2021/05/13)
Seminar1: Shoaib Sajid — Scaled-YOLOv4: Scaling Cross Stage Partial Network (Prof. H.W. Kim)
Seminar2: HeeJu Kwon (권희주) — U-Net: Convolutional Networks for Biomedical Image Segmentation (Prof. H.S. Kang)
Seminar3: Hiển Phạm Xuân — MLP-Mixer: An all-MLP Architecture for Vision (Prof. G.W. Kim)
17th Seminar (2021/05/06)
Seminar1: Saba Arshad — Deep Features based Visual Place Recognition (Prof. G.W. Kim)
Seminar2: Minahil - Mulit-label Image Recognition with Graph Convolutional Networks (Prof. Y.B. Hwang)
Seminar3: Younho Choi (최연호) — Data augmentation for improving deep learning in image classification problem (Prof. S.C. Kee)
Seminar4: Ali A. Al-Hamid — Ristretto: A Framework for Empirical Study of Resource-Efficient Inference in Convolutional Neural Networks (Prof. H.W. Kim)
16th Seminar (2021/04/29)
Seminar1: Muhammad Sualeh — Edge based object detection (Prof. G.W. Kim)
Seminar3: JeonHyeok Lee (이전혁) — Fast Online Object Tracking and Segmentation: A Unifying Approach (CVPR 2019) (Prof. T.H. Park)
15th Seminar (2021/04/22)
Seminar1: Jieun Jeong (정지은) — VoxelNet: End-to-End Learning for Point Cloud Based 3D Object Detection (Prof. S.C. Kee)
Seminar2: SangWook Hong (홍상욱) — HD-CNN: Hierarchical Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for large Scale Visual Recognition (Prof. H.W. Kim)
Seminar5: Dohyeong Kim (김도형) — Deep Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) (Prof. G.W. Kim)
14th Seminar (2021/04/15)
Seminar1: Sunwoo Lee (이선우) — YOLOv4: Optimal Speed and Accuracy of Object Detection (Prof. S.C. Kee)
Seminar2: Shoaib Sajid — CAM-Convs: Camera-Aware Multi-Scale Convolutions for Single-View Depth, CVPR 2019 (Prof. H.W. Kim)
Seminar3: HeeJu Kwon (권희주) — Blind Geometric Distortion Correction on Images Through Deep Learning (Prof. H.S. Kang)
13th Seminar (2021/04/08)
Seminar1: EunHo Lee (이은호) — Filter pruning via Geometry median for deep convolutional neural networks acceleration, CVPR 2019 (Prof. Y.B. Hwang)
Seminar2: PhongPhu Ninh — Multi-Target Multi-Camera Tracking by Tracklet-to-Target Assignment (Prof. H.W. Kim)
Seminar3: MinSeong Kim (김민성) — Dynamic Input for Deep Reinforcement Learning in Autonomous Driving (Prof. T.H. Park)
12th Seminar (2021/04/01)
Seminar1: HyeonSik Shin (신현식) — Robust Lane Detection via Expanded Self Attention (Prof. H.W. Kim)
Seminar2: Nam Dinh Van - Multi Sensor Fusion (Prof. GW Kim)
11th Seminar (2021/03/25)
Seminar1: Muhammad Usman — TVM: An Automated End-to-End Optimizing Compiler for Deep Learning (Prof. H.W. Kim)
Seminar2: Byeong-Jun Yu (유병준) — PU-GAN: a Point Cloud Upsampling Adversarial Network (Prof. S.C. Kee)
Seminar3: Seung-Chan Mok (목승찬) — Deep Feature Matching (Prof. G.W. Kim)
10th Seminar (2021/03/18)
Seminar1: Muhammad Usman — TVM: An Automated End-to-End Optimizing Compiler for Deep Learning (Prof. H.W. Kim)
Seminar2: Dongkyu Lee (이동규)— Deformable Convolutional Networks — (Prof. S.C. Kee)
9th Seminar (2021/03/11)
Seminar1: Hoàng Duy Lộc -- An Efficient and Compact Single Stage 3D Multi-Object Detector for Autonomous Driving (Prof. G.W. Kim)
Seminar2: Odil Urmonov -- On the Enhancement of Distributed Resource Allocation in Vehicular Network with Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning (Prof. H.W. Kim)
Seminar3: hatem hosam -- Weakly Supervised Traffic Sign Detection in Real Time Using Single CNN Architecture for Multiple Purposes (Prof. H.S. Kang)
8th Seminar (2021/03/04)
Seminar1 : Zeeshan Javed -- Multi-Camera based Visual SLAM (Prof. G.W. Kim)
Seminar2: Hayot Aliev -- Multi-Head CNN-LSTM based Misbehaviour Detection Architecture for Vehicular networks (Prof. H.W. Kim)
Seminar3: Syeda Minahil -- DenseFuse: A Fusion Approach to Infrared and Visible Images (Prof. Y.B. Hwang)