2021 Fall: Intelligent Image Recognition (지능형영상인식)
Lecture Notes
Due to COVID-19, we will continue online lectures with pre-recorded video lectures for some time.
For each chapter, please download PPT(Lecture Video), and play it in slideshow mode. -
Starting from Lecture 1, after watching each lecture video, each student needs to submit
a lecture summary via Google Classroom. Check your email to find the Google Classroom
link of CBNU/Intelligent Image Recognition.
Lecture0: Course Introduction [PPT (Lecture Video)]
Lecture1: Introduction To Image Recognition [PPT (Lecture Video)]
Lecture2: Image Classification [PPT (Lecture Video)]
Lecture3: Convolutional Neural Network [PPT (Lecture Video)]
Lecture4: Training with Backpropagation [PPT (Lecture Video)]
Lecture5: CNN Architectures [PPT (Lecture Video)]
Lecture6: Segmentation and Detection [PPT (Lecture Video)]
Lecture7: Fast Detection CNNs [PPT (Lecture Video)]
Lecture8: Generative Models [PPT (Lecture Video)]
Lecture9: Generative Adversarial Networks [PPT (Lecture Video)]
Final Exam: December 6th (Monday) 7PM~9PM, Location: E8-7 Room 307,
Open Note (Only Lecture Notes are allowed during the exam) -
Term Project: Presentation on December 13th (Monday) 7PM~9PM, E10 Room 406
All students who are studying deep learning must select Option (1).
Students whose major is not deep learning can select Option (2) with the professor's approval. -
(1) Train a CNN model of your choice using a public dataset or your own dataset. Demonstrate the inference and accuracy (You can choose the same CNN as your research topic)
(2) Paper Survey on CNNs or GANs for classification, detection, segmentation, augmentation, and present the summary of your survey result.
Overall Evaluation Results [Evaluation Scores]
If you have any questions regarding your scores, please send me an inquiry email.